Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday, 11.2.11 - nice palindromic date again and Pearl's son Paul's birthday!

Well, the steel beam did arrive yesterday, but not until about half past three in the afternoon, so the lads only had an hour to store it on the scaffold over night.  The way it was positioned it looked frightening through the kitchen window:

This morning the "heavy artillery" arrived and the serious business started of lifting the steel beam into position:


I made the workmen some nice hot scones to thank them for this achievement!

"What, no duck pictures today" I hear you say?  Well, we can't do without any, although I only 'shot' from a distance:
We know exactly what Blob is doing there at the back in the middle, don't we - even though I couldn't quite see which duck he was trying to 'drown' there ....  But in any case, no harm appears to have been done: 

Having given the workmen their afternoon tea and coffee I took a couple of shots of the roof timbers they've put up  - 

- when I heard "whack whack whack" behind me and who should be coming up but Braith, quickly followed by Morf and Taffy, nobody else with them................... they're always hungry, those Welsh girls!

1 comment:

  1. The progress is absolutely amazing, incredible to see !
