I have a lot of photos from yesterday, the ducks were so funny. As soon as the dumper truck had gone off to deposit what had been dug up they would come off the duck pond and follow in the tracks ............... ... and then not get out of the way when the truck returned. The prospect of worms seems to make them forget everything else, but I saw the driver slow down for them specially.
I had to pick a time for refreshing the water buckets when the dumper was not going by, as the hose is connected to a tap at the side of the garage and stretches right across the tracks. Coming down to the duck pond I could see that Braith, Morf and Taffy had found a lovely muddy hole at the end of the hose - they were very reluctant to leave it.
While I was busy refreshing the water containers our little flock was undecided as to what to do with themselves:
But then they heard the dumper truck going by and they were off:
Yes, Pine, Hedda went too, she was bringing up the rear:
And they followed the tracks again towards the house [in this first photo below you can see where we have stored some of the dismantled conservatory behind John's shed], then they separated into two groups unsure of whether to go for the food container or not, decided not to, and then hotfooted it back down to the safety - as they seem to consider it - of the duck pond.
Meanwhile work at the house was progressing rapidly.
The footings were dug,
the cement lorry arrived [by this time the rain that had started late morning was getting heavy - not ideal conditions for pouring cement],
cement was poured and levelled,
and while it was left to dry the builders started
taking the render off the house wall.:
taking the render off the house wall.:
This morning they started building up the walls
a huge crane lorry arrived and brought loads of bricks
The walls started going up very quickly, and by half past three this afternoon it looked like this from the top window:
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