Thursday, 20 January 2011

Thursday, 20th January 2011

Another big event today, our building works have started!

It's going to be a little time, I think, before the ducks dare come to their food up here with all that noise, but I don't want to put the container down by the big pond again because there are always hordes of pheasants there waiting to be fed.

The last three nights have "delighted" us with increasingly severe frosts, cracking the ice on the ponds this morning was more troublesome than on the previous two.  But as you can see on the photo above it is not long before the sun comes out and the days have been lovely and sunny.
After our little tykes had re-conquered the frog pond on Monday they were quickly in there again on Tuesday,  all 13 of them even half an hour before bedtime.  I had a laugh early that afternoon, when I happened to see just 2 of our new ones, Braith and Morfudd, striding purposefully through the orchard and going for a swim in the frog pond.  Of course I wanted to take a photo of that, but as soon as I'd opened the window Braith shot out of the pond as if frightened by her own boldness.  Both ducks ran back to the duck pond with great beating of wings and at dizzying speed before I could take a snap.

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