Friday 13 June 2014

The fox has been again

and taken our white Daisy.

It was 10 past 3 this afternoon when there was suddenly a huge noise below the frog pond where the three drakes and some of the ducks were resting.  I was just by the garage clearing some weeds, and looking round I could see a large dog fox slipping through our fence with something white.  I screamed and ran like wild, climbing over the stile expecting to see fox and duck still on the other side, but no, there was nothing to be seen, not even a pathway made through the tall nettles there.  I ploughed through them in the hope of catching up with the fox but had no success.

The rest of the group had flown into the frog pond, where they stayed for a long time complaining loudly. Some of the other ducks must have seen what happened as well and stayed at the corner of the garage shouting loudly for ages.


I'm going to put a piece of the steel fencing I had to protect the ducklings against  the wooden fence where the fox went through.  When he comes back [as he no doubt will after his success] he'll hopefully be delayed by having to through the stile and give the ducks some warning.  I could cry.

PS on Thursday 19th:  It was a struggle, but I managed to put the steel fencing up that very afternoon last Friday.  I had to drive two iron bars in at the spot where I'd seen the fox vanish with our Daisy to secure the fence to the soft ground.
I've been away from home on several days, worrying all the time in case the fox returned, but we've had no more losses.

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