Wednesday 21 May 2014

a little catch-up in pictures

The columnar conifer [photo on the right from a couple of years ago] was showing very brown on the outside as well as being choked with crumbling dead branches and old wasps' nests on the inside.  I "scalped" it as best I could, put most of what I cut off on the heap alongside the ditch and John even managed to wheel some of it to add to the duck bedding fire that was going at the time, see below:

There are many more blooms in the garden everywhere ....




Ducks can pop up in unusual places and complain when they are disturbed, this is Mocca:

This pair of mallards is trying hard to take up residence, mostly they are at the big pond, but I see them in front of the house and even on our drive.

Very kind friends of ours have come and helped with jobs that John couldn't manage at present, so the storm-blown fruit cage is down for this year and the big pot hole on top of the drive is fixed:



Today [Wednesday] I helped at the Luncheon Club - I thought the bunches of flowers looked particularly nice - and in the afternoon John and I drove our old car to the garage where we said farewell to it, and drove home in the new Fiesta Zetec Ecoboost!

I hadn't noticed the ducks going by in the selfies I took, but daughter Annie asked at once if I was imitating the duck or she me *laugh*

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