Tuesday 2 February 2016

This time ...

... I actually have some duck photos for my 'duck diaries':



A reminder, from left to right, the 7 I have left:

Dash, Jay, Winnie, Caramel, Ben, Vera, Gertie

I managed to spend almost three hours outside today, where Carl and his mates have been working on Saturday is looking better already, the next time they come they will demolish the old donkey shelter and clear the area behind it.

I took this photo from the house on Saturday:


The fire burnt out well.


I had noticed on my walks with Ollie that all the young trees had a thick layer of moss around them along with many thistles - not a surprise really after all that wet weather.  So today I made a start and cleared the first two rows, there are many more to go before Spring!

I was interesting to see that rabbits appear to always be taking the same path to wherever they're going - the track to the left in the upright picture was made by my wheelbarrow!


  1. Your ducks are lovely. I wish ours had so much space. I have really enjoyed looking at the photos. xx

  2. Oh, that's kind! Yes, I too appreciate the space, it would be a proper paradise for them here if it weren't for the daytime foxes. - What ducks do you have?

  3. I wondered if you had foxes when I looked at the photos. We have five runner ducks, one call duck and one Miniature Silver Appleyard but can only let them out of their pen when we are in the garden as we have so many bold foxes. In London they come and look through the kitchen window when I'm cooking! Oh well, live and let live I say we just have to be very careful.

  4. I've seen several programmes on the London foxes and how so many misguided people, including "celebrities" invite them into their gardens and homes, so I feel for you. I have nothing against foxes who hunt from dusk to dawn, my flocks have always been shut in at dusk. Since 2005 I have lost 32 ducks/drakes to foxes in the daytime, in spite of fencing and alarms, so I have given up the fight now; once my remaining 7 die I shan't have any more, it's just heartbreaking. I wish you luck, Jane, your flock sounds lovely [is the little call duck very loud?] and I'd love to see photos of them.[if you don't mind, my email: whitetowers@madasafish.com]
