Sunday 8 March 2015

Wet Sunday

After the glorious sunny weather yesterday when I sat by the fish pond in the afternoon with a BIG cup of tea and watching the ducks, it was a dull and rainy day.  I didn't do much, transplanted the "Elfe" rose [from Michael and Peaneh] from an exposed position near the curly hazel to the front of the house, and nearby I planted yet another present from my friend Petra, a lovely rose like this:

It doesn't look like much in the little picture on the right, but I'm hoping for lovely blooms later this year!  And I trust that rose "Elfe" will perform as well in her new position:

Having planted the two roses I tackled the overgrown climbers near the porch.  The passion flowers had just about taken over that patch smothering the other climbers there. I dug out and cut off what I could reach. The bits at the top will need a ladder or steps for me to reach them, but it was raining so much by then that I went indoors and cooked lunch.

A little later the rain eased off, and the following few photos were taken on a little walkabout:

This plant, Christmas Box [Sarcococca Confusa] has been sheer delight for many weeks, the scent of the flowers is intoxicating.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Mutti good to see you are blogging again ! Xx
