Sunday 29 June 2014

We've had lots of rain ...

... after the recent hot and sunny weather - Friday, Saturday and today, WET WET WET!


Some ducks sought shelter, others enjoyed puddling in the wet, each to their own... You may have noticed that Anke is not entirely accepted into the group with the boys, in the photo above she's sheltering under the rose arch.  Tuts and Ben still chase her, but when Jay is nearby she is protected.  Of the girls Beyoncé often has a nasty go at her, head and neck outstretched in a threatening posture, but there've been no fights.  Beyoncé seems to think she's one of the boys, she always runs with all three of them and has never been bothered by them as I've noticed.

This is rose "Congratulations" which we had for a present at our wedding 17 years ago.  It used to live in the hedge at the top of the road; I ripped it out last year and replanted it in front of the house.  The rain has bashed it down now .....

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