Saturday 7 June 2014

Another love story?

Having caught Anke and put her into the girls' enclosure the morning after John's birthday party I left her shut in there with 3 or 4 others to get her used to her new surroundings and hut.  The first two nights she was hesitant to go into a strange hut and needed a little patient persuading, but since then she's already been in with the others when I come to shut the hatch.

On Wednesday morning I was getting ready to drive to the Luncheon Club (by the way, I thought I'd made nice bunches for the tables and helpers)

when Anke slipped out of the girls' enclosure along with Billie and Gertie while I was putting their food down.  Having no time left to chase her back in I just had to trust that she'd not return to her old ways of "roaming in the wilds".  I was therefore extremely pleased when I found her in company with the black drake Jay on my return in the afternoon - until she was chased back into the enclosure by Tuts, who still makes her shriek in panic:


Anke has been part of the whole bunch ever since, and she's certainly formed an attachment for Jay whom she greets with vigorous nodding of the head whenever he comes near, another "love story" that amazes me like that of Dotty and Tuts.


On this afternoon Dotty was out as well, she always seems better when the sun is shining, but Tuts was not in attendance, he was hanging out with some of the others by our Christmas tree from a few years ago:

The sun has just come out again this Saturday afternoon, but the morning was dreadful.  I had to wait for a thunderstorm to pass before letting the ducks out and then it rained a steady fine rain until lunchtime...

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